Medical Statistics

The client originally had an onsite registered nurse to handle first aid and was spending approximately $6.3 million a year on health care … a cost that was rising annually. The client wanted to improve its health care services and reduce health care costs, so it upgraded to a small onsite clinic with an in-house nurse practitioner. However, neither the improvement in care, nor the reduction in cost was realized. The search for a new solution began.


Employees and Dependents

$ 0 m

Savings In Year One

0 %

Lower Cost Per Employee

A success story from PMR

PMR Healthcare (PMR) provided a custom integrated clinic solution for the client. PMR worked closely with the client’s management team to set up, launch, and maintain the clinic and its programs. PMR provided a proprietary matrix of health care management capabilities that ensured a comprehensive, performance-based clinical environment.

An 1850 square foot PMR clinic was opened to employees and their families from 9 AM-6 PM, 5 days a week. It employed 1 physician, a nurse, and 2 medical office staff to treat adults and children for all primary and episodic needs. PMR then helped the client educate its employees about the PMR clinic and its advantages to employees and families, such as convenience and excellent care. PMR also promoted wellness programs, which resulted in a high level of employee participation … an integral part of overall cost effectiveness.

Savings & Statistics

As a self-insured company, the client realized significant benefits from their PMR clinic- primarily increased savings on total health care costs. These savings can be seen in the following numbers:

Before PMRAfter PMR
Number of Employees712713
Number of spouses and dependents992994
Cost per employee$8,855.00$6,672.14
Annual Cost$6,304,760.00$4,776,861
Net Annual Savings$1,600,136
Savings per employee$2,271.74 (25.4%)

After the first year, the client integrated an RX prescription program through PMR that is estimated to save another $194,000.00! This level of savings is by a number of factors:

  • Reduced use of outside pharmacies
  • Increased use of mail order programs
  • Onsite dispensation of initial dosing
  • Increased use of equivalent generic drugs